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Wearing my Calvin Klein's

Hey dolls instead of the usual outfit spiel I wanted to talk about a more serious issue Inspired by my latest Calvin Klein Lingerie piece , the love hate relationship we have with our BOOBS.  
Ever since I can remember sprouting into my big girl self in middle school, I noticed that my friends and other girls were developing BOOBS. The problem was it was not your typical middle school itty bitty boobs , they were developing grown woman boobs. This added to my many insecurities making me feel like a flat chested girl for most of my teenage years. Now lets Fast forward to high school, I still felt that my boobs were non existent and couldn't understand why I couldn't develop full boobs. Then I became desperate ,I would wear push up bras  trying to fool myself and others that I had a full chest like other girls. I lived with this until college then something hit me at the age of 21. I still dislike the size of my boobs being an A cup and all , but I came to realize that I no longer wanted to pretend that I had big boobs by using push up bras or really padded bra's. I wanted to let go of this insecurity a little bit and be happy about the size of my boobs.  Now I buy lingerie that makes me happy and I feel comfortable and true in. That's why I purchased this Calvin Klein Bra because it represents me appreciating myself. This bra gives me life though  because not only is it gorgeous but it is  so freaking comfortable!  The lesson of this story is , Don't be afraid of your BOOBS regardless of size they are perfect .Having big boobs isn't everything and also there is so much beautiful lingerie in all sizes to make you feel good about yourself. You do not have to pretend to have a big rack unless that's what really makes YOU HAPPY.



  1. I need a set of Calvin Klein lingerie just to have something comfy to wear all the time and like it. :) I also had so many insecurities about my small boobs since I grew mine when I was ten and since then they pretty much stopped, so I have to live with them being small, but I learned to like them because I can find clothing sizes more easily and squeeze into smaller ones. :)
    Would you like to follow each other? I'm following you from now. :)

  2. I swear you always want what you can't have!
    I have quite big boobs and have done since like year 7, and whilst my friends were buying pretty, patterned bras from New Look 9-16 range I was buying them from M&S, which I hated at the time but now absolutely love their bras haha!
    I literally always wish for smaller boobs, but that's life isn't it, we just need to be more accepting of ourselves despite how hard it is.

  3. I really like the Calvin Klein lingerie. This brand never disappoints
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  4. lovely post x


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